Challenging Verses (John 6:55-56)

The words of Jesus in John chapter 6 can be some of the most confusing or many people. In fact, the people hearing Jesus preach these words were also very confused on what he meant. Today we are going to examine these words to see what Jesus meant. 

John 6:55-56 says, For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.” Truly a bewildering statement by Jesus. Is Jesus telling those who are listening that they have to eat his body and drink his blood literally? If so, how do we do that today since Jesus’ body isn’t here? Clearly, this is not what Jesus meant, so what did he mean? Let’s dive in. 

We need to look no further than the text itself and Jesus’ own words. In this whole section, Jesus is explaining how he is the bread of life and that he will satisfy our hunger and thirst (v.35). He compares their ancestors to eating manna in the wilderness and how that never satisfied them and they died. Their desires were physical not spiritual. In verse 47, Jesus gives us a key, “he who believes has everlasting life”. Believing in Jesus brings life to us. Since Jesus is the source of life and he is claiming to be the bread of life, this makes sense. 

Jesus says that the bread is symbolic of his flesh or body, that will be given as a sacrifice on behalf of humanity in a short time. His body is given and his blood will be spilt for forgiveness and restoration;life of humanity. Therefore, whoever believes in Jesus is symbolically taking part in the eating and drinking of eternal life, because of his death. 

When Jesus talks about his body and blood as being “real” food and drink, the word is better translated “truth” in Greek. This correlates with what Jesus says about himself as being the truth. Again affirming that Jesus is truth and those who believe in him will be with him forever.    

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