Jesus and the Old Testament (Resurrection)

There were many times religious leaders came to Jesus trying to trap him with words and theology. They would always leave speechless and embarrassed. When Jesus was questioned by the Sadducees one day, it was no different. The Sadducees came and asked him a question, and he left the crowds astonished. 

Jesus and the Old Testament (Kingdom of God)

In Luke 17, Jesus references two distinct but devastating Bible stories. Jesus refers to the days of Noah and the days of Lot. Often these men are linked to the flood and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah respectively. So what does Jesus think of these stories? Let’s find out. 

Jesus and the Old Testament (Marriage)

Jesus referenced, quoted, and alluded to the Old Testament many times throughout his ministry. In this series, we are going to look at some of the things he said about the Old Testament to gain a better understanding for ourselves about why these passages are relevant. If Jesus quoted these passages, they must be important…

Supplies for our Faith (Love)

One of the most talked about words in the biblical Greek is the word for love, agape. It is a word that is preached about and has been studied for centuries. This love is what defines us as disciples of Jesus, it’s the love that Christ shone on the cross. In our study today as…

Supplies for our Faith (Brotherly Love)

Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love. That is in part due to the fact that the Greek word for brotherly love is philadelphia. It is the care and love for one another that we are supposed to have as Christians. In Peter’s letter, he wants his readers to add to their faith…