Image of God (Jesus)

When it comes to being images of God, we all fail to act as we should representing God. Thankfully a human came along that restores us to what we were meant to be, his name is Jesus. 

2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us that Jesus is the image of God. 

In Psalm 8, humans are mentioned as being made lower than the angels but we were given a crown and glory to represent Yahweh here on earth. Since humanity failed at doing so, Jesus came along and became that human. Hebrews 2:9 says, What we do see is Jesus, who for a little while was given a position “a little lower than the angels”; and because he suffered death for us, he is now “crowned with glory and honor.”” Jesus came to earth as a human, which is why he was in a position that was lower than the angels. Then, Jesus died on the cross to restore humanity and because he was resurrected and now sits at the right hand of God, he was crowned with glory and honor. He suffered to gain what we humans rejected: to rule as God’s representatives.  

2 Timothy 2:12 gives us a promise of hope through suffering. “If we endure hardship, we will reign with him.” Pauls wants Timothy to know that if we should remain faithful through trials and suffer because of His name, we will be restored to a position of authority. More than that, we will reign alongside Jesus our Savior. 

Colossians 3:10 says, “And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” When we accept Christ as our savior, we put on a new self. The old sinful ways leave us and the Spirit makes us new. This new self is always being worked on to become more and more like Yahweh. Paul says that we are being renewed in knowledge so that we can become more like the image of God we were created to be. Jesus brings us from the broken path to the new path that leads to being renewed in God’s image. He does that because Jesus is the perfect image.  

1 Corinthians 15:49 reveals, “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.” We were created just like Adam and Eve. However, because of Jesus, we are also being renewed to be the image of Jesus who is in heaven. Humanity had no hope before, but Jesus saves us and restores us to become the image bearers we were created to be. Praise Yahweh!

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