Top Ten: #7 The Birth of Jesus Christ

Around this time every year, we celebrate Christmas. A holiday which encompasses giving, family, joy, and memories that last for generations. We also tend to focus on the “reason for the season” if you will and that is Jesus. Specifically though, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Preachers and ministers everywhere prepare sermons to speak…

Top Ten: #9 The Trinity- Jesus Christ

We are going to look at 2 verses. John 10:30 and John 14:28. The question to keep in mind while reading these two verses is: ‘Is Jesus equal to or lesser than God?’ There is some confusion with this question though.

Top Ten: #10 Parable of the Waiting Servants

Faith Foundations has been up and running for 10 years! The blessings God has given never ceases to amaze! For the next ten days, we are going to be sharing our top ten articles from the last ten years. We will also share the gospel in a popular language from around the world!

The Kingdom of God Way: Resisting Evil

When it comes to evil people and evil acts being done, most of us want to see justice. We want to see the person who did wrong suffer in some way, especially if we deem their act very bad. This is a main school of thought for how the world operates. People should get what…

The Kingdom of God Way: Oaths

When it comes to taking oaths, our minds probably imagine a courtroom setting where we take an oath before taking the stand. We don’t really focus our minds on taking oaths but this was something that was a cultural practice in Jesus’ day. Even though we don’t take oaths the way they did back then,…

The Kingdom of God Way: Lust

When Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God, he emphasizes our thoughts and actions. Following Jesus is not about following rules but living by the Spirit and to bring heaven on earth. Last time, we talked about how anger can lead to a multitude of sin. Now, we will talk about how lust can do…

The Kingdom of God Way: Anger

When it comes to Jesus and the kingdom, nothing compares to the way Jesus taught about the kingdom. Jesus taught about the kingdom of God in a way that captivates us to want to be better humans, and that’s the point. Jesus taught in a way that makes us feel different than the way we…

America & God (Politics)

Politics has always been and always will be a central location for debate, arguments, and offenses. The world of politics is ruthless and has become corrupt in it’s own right. Selfishness, power, greed, and every kind of wickedness can be found in politics. It seems as though the political turmoil continues to spiral out of…

America & God (Immigration)

In this series, we have looked at different top issues in the United States and how we as Christians should respond to them. There are some issues we should support, and other issues that we should not involve ourselves in at all. Another issue we are going to look at today is immigration. How should…