America & God (Abortion)

Abortion is a much debated topic in today’s world. There are extremes on both sides of the argument and it seems that no one listens to each other’s side. In this article, we are going to attempt to answer three basic questions surrounding the practice of abortion. These questions are, “Is having an abortion a…

America & God (Homosexuality)

Homosexuality is a much debated topic in Christianity and in the world today. Is it considered a sin? Why would God view it as a sin if that’s how I feel? Are there exceptions? There are all sorts of questions surrounding the idea of homosexuality and we are going to tackle some of those questions…

America & God (Race/Injustice)

Race and social injustices seem to have been ramping up in recent years but history tells us it has always been here. How should we as Jesus followers view race and these instances where people are mistreated for one reason or another. How does Jesus view these things? 

Character of God (Punishment)

In the last article of this series, we are going to look at one of the toughest Scriptures to wrestle with. We’ve been going through the characteristics by which God describes himself. He calls himself compassionate, and gracious, loving and kind and forgiving. However this last part trips up a lot of people. Let’s look…

John 8: Judgement and Grace

Jesus and the Adulterous Woman Today we are going to discover a story that should grab our attention and “wake us up” so to speak every time we read it. This story comes out of the gospel of John and we are going to look at this story from three different lenses. The lens of…