Gospel of John: Commentary

The Gospel of John

1:1-5 John echoes Genesis 1. “Word” logos which means the word of God by which he created and rules. Referring to Jesus, he was with God and was God. Here we see the triune attributes. He had life and light.

1:4-9 John the Baptist prepared the way to point to the light- Jesus.

1:10-13 Some rejected Jesus, but others believed and became children of God.

1:14-18 Jesus became human and lived here. He was the one and only. Moses brought the law and Jesus completed it by giving grace and truth. We can know God through Jesus.

1:19-28 John was not the Messiah and he baptized with water. He was not Elijah nor the prophet spoken of in Deut 18:15.

1:29 – 34 John was given a sign that whenever he saw the Spirit come down on Jesus, he was the one. John saw this and knew he was the Son of God.

1:35-42 Andrew and Peter were Jesus’ first disciples. Peter’s name was originally Simon.

1:43-46 Jesus found Philip who then found Nathanael. Philip knew he was the fulfillment of the Law and prophets.

1:47-51 Jesus tells Nathanael he knew where he was before he came to Jesus. At this Nathanael declared Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus then says that they will see angels with Jesus, a reference to Jacob’s dream. This points to Jesus being the “stairway” the way to heaven.

Chapter 2

2:1- 11 Jesus turns water into wine. The miracle is simple but John says its purpose was to reveal his glory. As a result, his disciples put faith in him.

2:12-17 Jesus clears the temple where people were selling animals for sacrifices.

2:18-22 The people demanded a sign. He said to destroy this temple and I will raise it in

three days. They thought he was talking about the actual temple but he was talking about

his body. After his resurrection, the disciples remembered and believed.

2:23-25 Many people believed in him. John gives us insight into how Jesus thought. He

knows our thoughts and condition.

Chapter 3

3:1-2 Nicodemus was a Pharisee and he came to Jesus at night.

3:3-8 Jesus comes right out and tells him that he has to be born again to enter heaven. Nicodemus is confused. Born of water and Spirit. Baptism and baptism of the Holy spirit

3:9-15 Jesus tells them that his group still does not believe in him. He will be lifted up

which is his exaltation on the cross.

3:16-21 Jesus then gives him the gospel that Jesus saves. Jesus came to save

and be the light. Those who live by light show others what God does.

3:22-30 John the Baptist is like the bride grams friend. Now that Jesus is here, his joy is complete.

3:31-36 John testifies that Jesus comes from above and is above all. One who is sent, speaks God’s words. Belief leads to eternal life, rejection leads to wrath.

Chapter 4

4: 1-3 Jesus’ disciples baptized and was gaining momentum and shifting from John’s ministry.

4: 4-6 Jesus went through Samaria and came to Jacob’s well.

4:7-10 A Samaritan Woman comes to the well and Jesus asks for a drink. This is an odd

scenario. A man/ woman, Jew/Samaritan. Jesus points out that she should be asking for living

water .

4:11-14 The woman doesn’t understand and Jesus says this water will lead to eternal life.

4:15-18 The woman still doesn’t understand and Jesus tells her things that he could not have known.

4:19-20 The woman turns the conversation to a heated debate during this time about the place of worship.

4:21-26 Jesus closes the debate by saying that worshippers must worship in Spirit and truth. Jesus reveals to an “enemy” woman that he is the Messiah.

4:27-30 The disciples did not question Jesus’ actions. The woman gathered the people.

4:31-38 Jesus tells the disciples that they are reaping the harvest for eternal life which are those who believe.

4:39-42 Many believe Jesus because of the woman and his teachings.

4:43-45 The Galileans welcomed him because they saw him at the temple when he cleared it.

4:46-50 An official came to Jesus and  asked him to heal his son, Jesus does so.

4:51-54 The son got better at the exact time Jesus said so they all believed. This was the second sign.

Chapter 5

5:1-10 This healing pool supposedly made people well. Jesus approached this man, not in response to faith, but to show His power. Jesus tells him to walk and he does.

5:11-13 The Jews approached the man and asked why he was carrying on the

Sabbath. The man did not know it was Jesus.

5:14-15 Jesus warns the man to stop sinning and so the man told the Jews it was Jesus.

5:16-18 The Jews were angry that Jesus claimed to be the Son.

5:19-23 Jesus only does the will of the Father. The son gives life and judges all. If we do

not honor Jesus, we do not honor the Father which is what the Jews were guilty of

5:24 30 Jesus is life, so those who believe in him also share in the same life. Jesus refers to his second coming in the rising of the dead.

5:31-4.7 5 Testimonies of Jesus. VV.33-35- John the Baptist, J.37- Father, v. 38-40; Scripture

v. 45-47- Moses V:36: works of Jesus. They do not accept Jesus if they accept praise from men.

Chapter 6

6:1-4 John gives us a time and place. The Sea of Galilee near the Passover.

6:5-9 Jesus tests Philip, probably because he came from this region where to buy bread for

the crowd of people. Philip knows they don’t have the money for such a feat. But there was a boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

6:10-11 only the men are counted in the 5,000. Jesus gave thanks as much as they wanted they ate.

6:12-15 The disciples picked up 12 baskets, a significant number. This proves Jesus is enough

to provide for us and is a connection to bread of life concept (uv 26). They claimed him as the prophet and Jesus went away alone

6:16-21 As the disciples were in a boat on rough water they saw Jesus walking on

water. He tells them to not be afraid, they want him to come aboard and suddenly they reach their destination.

6:22-24 The crowd is still looking for Jesus So they go to Capernaum.

6:25-27 The crowd found him. Jesus tells them they are searching for him for the wrong

reasons. Eternal life is not achieved, it is given by Jesus to those the Father approves.

6:28-34 Jesus says the work of God is to believe in him. They ask for a sign like manna from heaven. Jesus himself is the sign, he is the bread from heaven.

6:35-40 Jesus is life. Everyone who believes shall have eternal life and be resurrected. He does God’s will.

6:41-51 The Jews don’t understand that Jesus is talking about spiritually coming

from heaven. He is bread that gives life. In contrast to manna in the wilderness. Believing in Jesus results in life.

6:52-59 This eating and drinking refers to believing and listening to Jesus as

referenced earlier. He is bread that gives eternal life.

6:60- 66 Jesus’ words are spirit and life. Since Some misunderstood, they left.

6:67-71 Jesus then questions the disciples and Peter confesses who Jesus is.

Chapter 7

7:1-5 The disciples wrongly want Jesus to go to Judea, even though Jesus purposefully

avoided it, so he could show himself and make a show of himself.

7:6-9 The right time had not come so Jesus was not going to go.

7:10-13 Jesus, went secretly not publicly because the Jews were looking for him. Everyone had opinions about him.

7:14-19 Jesus teaches that his teachings are from God. He speaks to honor God not himself. They don’t keep the law even though they are so proud they have it

7:20-24 Jesus proves that he was right in healing on the Sabbath. they can circumcise on that day so healing is right as well. The Sabbath was about rest and healing. Jesus showed mercy.

7:25-27 The silence of the leaders made the people question. There was a debate about

where the Messiah would be from according to OT.

7:28-29 Jesus responds by telling them that he is from the Father and that is what matters.

7:30- 32 Some people wanted to hurt him but his time had not come. others believed. The leaders wanted to arrest him.

7:33-39 Jesus taught about his death and ascension. The people were confused by this. Whoever believes and drinks, living water will flow- all of this was the Spirit though it was not given yet.

7:40-44 Some said he was a prophet for Christ. They were confused about where he was from and there was a debate among Jews as to whether they would know where the Messiah would come from. Mich 5:2 gives a place. The idea from David’s line came from Psalm 89:3, 2. Sam 7:12-16

7:45 -53 The guards recognized something different about Jesus. The leaders call them

deceived, the crowd cursed. Nicodemus speaks but is shut down.

Chapter 8

8:1-11 A woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus. The leaders were trying to trap Jesus if he said stone her, the Romans would get involved, if he said let her go, he would be accused of not followers the law. Instead he showed mercy to the woman and revealed the leaders harsh judgment.

8:12-18 Jesus testifies for himself which is valid and the Father. Deut 17:6 – two witness

8:19:20 Their response indicates they don’t know Jesus or the Father.

8:21-30 Jesus claims they would die in their sin. Jesus tells them that they are different below-above, of – not of world. If they did not believe, they would perish. Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of v.28.

8:31-41 Jesus tells them that they need to be set free from sin from Him. Though they are descendents of Abraham, they do not act like it.

8:42-47 They follow their father “Satan”. Those who follow God, follow Jesus. Jesus knows their thoughts of killing him.

8:48- 53 They believe he is possessed because they don’t believe the truth.

8:54-59 God glorifies Jesus and the one they claim as their father Abraham even believed. Jesus claims the name God tells Moses through the bush, I AM. They thought

it was blasphemy but it was truth.

Chapter 9

9:1-5 It was a common thought that suffering was a result of sin either of parents or one’s own son. Jesus disproves that argument. This case was so God could work through him. Night, his death

9:4-12 Jesus healed the man and the man said it was Jesus who healed him.

Jesus used dirt, then he washed and could see.

9:13-18 Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath which the Pharisees were not a fan of.

However they were divided and the man said he was a prophet.

9:19-23 They call in the man’s parents and they confirm he was blind but they were afraid and told the Pharisees to ask him,

9:24- 34 They ask him a second time and he defends Jesus by saying no one could

do this unless from God. The signs are right in front of them, yet they still don’t believe it. Then they threw him out.

9:35-41 Jesus coming brings judgment on the blind and those who claim to see

The Pharisees thought they knew it all and rejected Jesus, So he says they are guilty of sin. Jesus reveals himself as the Son of Man to this man.

Chapter 10

10:1-6 The leaders of Israel were called to be shepherds but failed to do so. Jesus is

the time Shepherd and those who belong to him follow his voice.

10:7-10 Jesus is the gate, the way to salvation. The thief comes to destroy,

Jesus comes to give life.

10:11-13 Jesus is the shepherd that gives his own life up for us. The hired workers. The religious leaders do not care. 

10:14-22 Jesus also speaks of gentiles and other sheep that will listen to him. Jesus gives up his life willingly, and will rise again. The Jews still divided.

10:22-30 Jesus had made it clear through his miracles that he was the Christ. He then references the sheep following his voice again and that he and the Father are one.

10:31-39 They tried to stone him but Jesus made them think. If the

law, (Psalm 82:6) calls rulers and judges “gods”, surely Jesus, God’s Son, has

the right and authority to claim he is God’s son, He is the son sent by the Father.

10:40-42 The people realize John was right about Jesus and believe in him.

Chapter 11

11: 1-6 Lazarus was che Jesus was close with. He predicted Lazarus would not die. He intentionally stayed longer.

11:7-16 Even though it was dangerous to go back, there was work to do and time left to do it. Lazarus was dead but Jesus was going to raise him up. Jesus was going to raise him so they would believe.

11:17-20 Lazarus had been buried 4 days. People came to comfort Mary and Martha.

11:21-27 Jesus and Martha have a conversation about how Jesus is the resurrection. There is

life eternal in him. Martha confesses who he is.

11:28-37 Mary went out to meet Jesus and wept at his feet. This was a low weep. “Jesus wept” was a quiet weep like a shedding of tears.

11:38-44 Lazarus is raised from the dead. This whole incident points back to what Jesus Said in V.4- for God’s glory so that Jesus is glorified through this act. They were to believe God sent Jesus. There is a big emphasis on belief through this miracle.

11:45-48 Some believed in him, others told the Pharisees who wanted to stop him for fear of Romans and their loss of status.

11:49-53 Caiaphas prophecies that Jesus would die for the Jews and those scattered as one people. They wanted to save the nation so he thought it better to kill one man than to put the nation at risk. The nation would fall in A.D. 70.

11:54-57 From here on out, Jesus did not move publicly. People were looking for him at Passover but people were given orders to report.

Chapter 12

12:1-3 Mary anointed Jesus with perfume. This was odd because it was expensive but also

because She wiped with her hair.

12:4-8 Judas speaks up. John reveals he did not care about the pour, only himself.

12:9-11 Jesus says that she was anointing him for burial, as was customary. We would always

have the poor. The leaders wanted to kill Lazarus also because he was drawing a crowd.

12:12-19 Jesus fulfills two prophecies as he rides into Jerusalem. The disciples realize this

after he was crucified and the word about Jesus spread. This shows Jesus’ royalty as King.

12:20- 24 Some Greeks Come to talk with Jesus. Then Jesus proclaims that he will die, producing seed ( more believers). We must deny love of this world and serve him, then we will have eternal life.

12:27-29 Jesus came to this earth for this moment, to die for all people. God says that he will glorify his name.

12:30-33 Judgment is coming on the world, “prince of this world”. Satan will be driven out because of his death when Jesus dies and resurrects, all man will come to him, indicating even Gentiles which happens in Acts.

12:34-36 Jesus tells them to walk in light while he is around on the earth because he is the light. They didn’t understand why he would be”lifted up” meaning to heaven if he was supposed to remain on earth forever. They misunderstood.

12:37-43 Isaiah 53:01, 6:10 is fulfilled because many did not believe. Many leaders believed

but did not want to confess.

12:44-50 Belief and doing go hand in hand. Jesus specifically says he does not come to

judge. Jesus says what God tells him and his commands lead to life.

Chapter 13

13:1-11 Jesus washes their feet because he knew his time to leave was quickly approaching. Peter needed a spiritual washing, we need to be cleansed by Jesus.

13:12-17 He has set the example to serve. Blessings follow

13:18-30 Jesus used Psalm 41:9 to prophecy about Judas betraying him. Jesus dipped bread and gave it to Judas. This fulfilled the Scripture. Satan entered him. Judas chose bread and not the bread of life. Jesus tells him to do it quickly. Nighttime – indicative of the light vs dark in

this gospel.

13:31-35 Jesus tells the rest of the disciples that he will be glorified and God will be glorified in him. Through death on a cross. He tells them they can’t follow him, to heaven but that they should love one another so that others will know they belong to Jesus.

13:36-38 Jesus tells Peter that they will join him later. Peter declares full allegiance to Jesus until death Jesus Predicts Peter would deny even knowing Jesus 3 times.

Chapter 14

14:1-5 Even though trouble was coming, Jesus encouraged them not to fear because of God’s Plan. The plan is for Jesus to go to heaven and return to take us with him. Thomas questions where

14:6-14 Jess’ response is that they do know the way because he is the way. They have seen the Father because they have seen Jesus. The Father and Son are one. Faith produces work. Since he is going to the Father, we can ask in his name so that glory is brought to Good through

the Son.

14:15-21 Love equals obedience which equals receiving the Holy Spirit. The world doesn’t accept him. Jesus is leaving but giving the spirit. When this happens they will realize the oneness the Father, Son, and spirit have through the ones that have him.

14:22-24 Judas asks a good question. Jesus is revealing himself to those who obey him which are those who love him.

14:25-30 The Spirit teaches and reminds of Jesus words. He gives us peace. Jesus was to die to be with the Father. “Prince” Setan but Jesus tells us he has no power against Jesus. He loves the Father and follows commands.

Chapter 15

15:1- 4 Jesus is the true vine which is often portrayed as Israel. We must remain in Jesus to be fruitful. No work is produced without Jesus.

15:5-8 we are branches that either bear fruit or wither. If we produce fruit, it glorifies the Father and we are proven disciples.

15:9-17 This section is about obeying the commands Jesus has given so that we remain in his love. His command is for us to love one another as He does. He showed the ultimate love on the cross. He has revealed his plans. We were chosen and appointed to bear fruit by


15:18-27 If we are serving Christ, the world would not like us because it hates Jesus. They act this way because they do not know God. Jesus was their chance, they heard and saw the miracles but refused to believe. The low they claim to follow speaks against them. The Spirit will testify as must they.

Chapter 16

16:1-4 Jess wanted to warn them about the persecution that was coming. This will come because they don’t know the Father.

16:5-11 Unless Jesus goes to the Father, the Spirit will not come. The Spirit convicts the world of guilt. They sin because they do not believe. Righteousness is being fulfilled through the actions of Jesus. Satan is now being judged because of the resurrection that will take place.

16:12-16 The Spirit guides us in truth. Speaks to us the words of the Father and gives glory to Jesus. The Spirit will reveal to us the things of christ.

16:17-18 The disciples were confused by what Jesus said about going away and seeing him again.

16:19-24 Jesus Says that they will be sad because of his death but his resurrection will make

them rejoice. He uses the analogy of a pregnant woman.

16:25-30 Jesus says that he will tell them things plainly without parables. He came from God and he’s going back .

16:31-33 They will be scattered for fear of persecution. They can find peace in him. We should trust in him because he has overcome the world and given us victory.

Chapter 17

17:1-5 Jesus’ work on earth brought glory to God, Jesus shared glory with the Father, in the beginning. Eternal life is knowing the Father and Jesus.

17:6-10 Jesus’ prayer for disciples. Jesus revealed God to the disciples and gave them his

words. Sense of belonging to Christ, they were given to Jesus’ care.

17:11-12 He prays for their protection by His name, “doomed”- probably refers to Judas.

17:13-19 Prayer was not for escape from evil, but protection from evil. God’s word is truth and Jesus has sent them into the world.

17:20-23 Jesus prays for all believers that they will have unity as the Father and Son do. Not only unity with each other but with God and Jesus. We are given the glory God gave his Son

so that we can be unified.

17:24- 26. Jesus reveals the Father so his love will be in us. Also so the world may Know Jesus was Sent by God. Love and Jesus will be in those whom Jesus made the Father known to.

Chapter 18

18:1-9 The olive grove, was a place the disciples knew about. The soldiers and leaders came at Jesus like a dangerous criminal. “I am he”- they fell to the ground, they know this was no ordinary person. He asked twice. The disciples were let free to fulfill Jesus’ words from 6:39.

18:10-14 Peter cuts off the right ear of the servant. Jesus rebukes. Must drink cup of wrath which is the suffering and death he is about to endure. He was taken to Annas Caiaphas prophecies about. Jesus death.

18:15-18 This other disciple could have been John. Peter denies Jesus and he warms himself, along with the officials.

18:19-24 Jesus is questioned about his teachings and they could find no wrong with his words.

18:25-27 Peter denies Jesus 2 more times and the roosters crows. v. 13:38

18:28-32 The Jews could not enter the palace since it was a Gentile place in their rules. They had no charge for execution under Roman rule.

18:33-37 Pilate asks Jesus if he is a king. Jesus says he is but his kingdom is not of this world. He came to testify to truth.

18:38-40 Pilate released Barabbas, a criminal as the crowd demanded.

Chapter 19

19:1-7 Pilate flogs Jesus, places a them crown and purple robe on him. An inverse of the treatment of a King. The Jews say he must die for apparent blasphemy.

19:8-16 Pilate converses with Jesus but Jesus wants him to go through with it. The people reject Jesus even though Pilate calls him their king. They have rejected God in their hearts as well.

19:17-22 Jesus was crucified with two others. The sign Pilate made sign “King of the Jews”. He would not change it.

19:23-24 Soldiers cast lots for his clothing to fulfill Psalm 22:18.

19:25-27 The 3 Mary’s witnessed the crucifixion. His mother was still on him mind even, near death.

19:28-37 Three more Scriptures are fulfilled. The work of jesus is finished and blood and water flowed testifying to “living water.”

19:38-42 Jesus is laid in a tomb in a den by Joseph and Nicodemus. The Spices and mixtures they used were for royal burials.

Chapter 20

20:1-9 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb first she told the disciples who ran to the tomb they found the cloth folded neatly, not like in a robbery. The first disciple believed.

20:10-18 Mary Magdalene stayed and she did not recognize Jesus until he said her name. She reported the news to the disciples.

20:19-23 Jesus walked through a locked door and proved to the disciples it was him. He breathes on them and they will receive the Spirit at Pentecost.

20:24-29 Thomas would not believe without physical evidence. Jesus again appears before

them and tells Thomas to believe. We are more blessed because we believe but have not seen him as they did.

20:30-31 The miracles are written so that we may believe in Jesus and thus have life.

Chapter 21

21:1-6 There were 7 disciples total out fishing. Jesus calls them friends which they should have recognized as Jesus cause that’s what he called them earlier.

21:7-14 They recognize him after the miracle happened since it was the same miracle he introduced with. The third appearance.

21:15-19 Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loves him and tells him to take care of his sheep, his followers.

21:20-25 John clarifies Jesus’ own words giving the claim that the rumor was not necessarily true. Jesus did many other things but we have enough to believe and have faith.

The End

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