Parables of Jesus (The Shrewd Manager)

The parable of the shrewd manager is an interesting parable to say the least. It seems like a parable we can follow but then it has a surprising ending with the type of language we are not used to hearing from Jesus. This parable has many levels of interpretation that all point to one common…


The love of money is said to be the “root of all evil”. This phrase comes from the Bible itself in 1 Timothy 6:10. But is money really the root of all evil? What is meant by this phrase? If we want to rid ourselves of evil, how can we when we need money to…

The Parables of Jesus (Part 1)- Shrewd Manager

Jesus often spoke to his audiences in parables. These parables had obvious meanings but some had hidden meanings that were not as clear on the surface. In this series of studies, we are going to examine and discuss a few parables of Jesus’ that may be lesser known. In dissecting and examining these parables, we…