Character of God (Punishment)

In the last article of this series, we are going to look at one of the toughest Scriptures to wrestle with. We’ve been going through the characteristics by which God describes himself. He calls himself compassionate, and gracious, loving and kind and forgiving. However this last part trips up a lot of people. Let’s look…

Character of God (Love & Faithfulness)

When we look at the character of God in Exodus 34 we see some wonderful things. God proclaims his own character as compassion and gracious and patient when it comes to anger. He also says that he abounds in love and faithfulness. What does this really mean? Let’s dive deeper. 

Character of God (Slow to Anger)

In the second article of this series, we are going to look at the second character of God, slow to anger. In Exodus 34, God describes himself in a few ways and one of these ways is that he is slow to anger or slow to get angry. Why would this be a character of…

Character of God (Compassion)

In this new series, we are going to be studying the character of God. Trying to describe an immortal spiritual being might sound complex but this is a rather simple task. Yahweh, the God of the Bible and King of the universe, actually gives us a description of himself. He gives us his own description…