I AM…The Way, Truth & Life

In our last article of this series, we are going to look at one of the most significant “I Am” statements in my opinion that Jesus ever stated. It comes in John 14 so let’s gain some background on this statement. 

I AM…The Vine

Jesus has said many things that He is as we have discovered over this series. He is many things and they mean something in context of his teachings and even today. This time we are going to look at when Jesus calls himself the vine and what that means for us. Let’s dig in. 

I AM…The Resurrection

Jesus felt many of the same emotions we feel on a daily basis. One of those emotions is grief from the loss of a loved one. Jesus experiences this too as his friend Lazarus has died. Jesus goes to the place where he lay to go raise him from the dead. Martha comes to Jesus…

I AM…The Gate/Shepherd

When it comes to analogies and examples, Jesus is a master speaker. He can use so many practical examples to help us understand kingdom things. In today’s statement, Jesus uses an analogy to help us understand better who He is and what his mission to earth is all about. 

I AM…The Light

Jesus says He is many things over the course of his ministry. He says that he is the bread of life that brings eternal life to those who believe. In John 8, Jesus tells us that He is something else also. 

I Am…The Bread of Life

John’s gospel is full of Jesus’ “I Am” statements. One of the first statements John records comes in John 6 and is connected to many stories. Let’s set up the scenario before we dive in. 

Are You The Christ?…I Am

When Jesus is questioned, truth is revealed. Throughout the gospels, Jesus states that He is several things and our aim is to look at these statements and find out better who Jesus is. At a moment when the hinges of the salvation plan hang in the balance, a question is offered to Jesus that could…

I Am…Gentle

In our series, “I Am…”, we have looked at two instances where Jesus says that He is something. This time around, we will look at a time when Jesus tells us that he is gentle and humble. We will look at why Jesus said this and what it means for us. 

I Am…Sending

In our last study of our “I Am” series we looked at how Jesus says he is willing to heal us and help us in our struggles. This time, we will look at a command Jesus gives his followers and what it means for us now.